Incorporating linear motion systems into your operations requires readily available components to minimize downtime and ensure optimal performance. Many suppliers often have long lead times for key components, such as ball screws and linear guides.

Long lead times can increase downtime if a part malfunctions or needs to be replaced due to wear and tear. 

In contrast, NSK’s Quick Ship program ensures the availability of ball screws and linear guides, providing the components you need to keep your systems running without enduring weeks or months of lead times.

Why is Turnaround Time So Important?

Turnaround time plays a significant role in measuring the efficiency of operations, particularly in linear motion systems that rely on ball screws and linear guides. It refers to the period from recognizing the need for a component to its installation and functionality within the system. When turnaround times are extended, systems can be forced offline for longer periods, leading to increased downtime and a decline in overall productivity.

Finding ways to reduce downtime can help maintain efficiency and ensure smooth operations. This requires quickly obtaining and installing necessary components as soon as the need is identified without sacrificing quality.

Reducing Turnaround Time

When sourcing components for your linear motion systems, turnaround time is a key consideration. Many suppliers have extended lead times, often stretching several months, which can lead to prolonged downtime and negatively impact productivity and efficiency.

NSK stands apart by developing, designing, and manufacturing ball screws and linear guides in-house, ensuring nearly always-available stock to meet your needs. For standard sizes, turnaround time from order to shipping is just 3-5 days. Even for customized components requiring minor modifications, turnaround time is typically only 5-7 days. While customizations with more extensive modifications may take slightly longer, NSK still offers significantly shorter lead times compared to other suppliers, helping you reduce downtime and maintain efficiency.

Agile, Responsive Supply

NSK offers a strategic and comprehensive production portfolio of series and sizes for linear motion systems. While other suppliers are cutting back on in-stock inventory, we are committed to having what you need when you need it. When you are looking for the supplier who also matches the quality and robust components you require, the on-hand stock availability at NSK is the best solution

Ready Ship

When customers need linear guides and ball screws, they can use the Quick Ship program. For those in product development or prototyping, this program is the perfect reliable solution for testing and pre-production modifications. 

The Quick Ship program is designed for customers purchasing in quantities up to fifteen units. 

Also Available for MCM Monocarriers

The NSK MCM Monocarriers and accompanying accessories are designed to meet diverse application needs and ship within four weeks for specific model sizes. This program includes options such as single and double sliders, various ball screw shaft diameters, and customizable stroke lengths. With these flexible configurations, the NSK MCM Monocarrier program provides a reliable and efficient solution for a wide range of linear motion system requirements, ensuring faster delivery times to keep your projects on track.

Switching to NSK Components to Take Advantage of Reduced Lead Times

If you’re currently using a supplier with long lead times for ball screws and linear guides, you may worry that switching to NSK components could complicate the transition and negate the benefits of quicker turnaround times. However, NSK components are designed to be compatible with other suppliers, ensuring smooth integration into your existing systems. 

This allows your machines and facilities to get back online quickly with minimal disruption.

Choosing NSK components means gaining access to fast, reliable delivery of high-quality ball screws and linear guides that meet urgent needs without compromising on precision or performance. NSK’s focus on manufacturing and logistics ensures dependable service, reducing downtime and maximizing efficiency.

To begin the transition, contact the NSK team to discuss your requirements. We’ll help you place your order and provide support throughout the process. With NSK, you benefit from quick turnaround times, reduced downtime, and superior components that enhance productivity and ROI—keeping your systems running smoothly and efficiently.